Category Archives: Females

A Blue Fact

A Blue Fact


Love You Mumma…


Women’s Day Special

We strive. We work. We laugh. We Cry. We are happy. We are sad.
We have feelings. We are emotional and unpredictable. We love to shop, gossip, dress well, makeup, cook, and much more. We love hair styling, dieting, growing nails, pink color and this color and that color. We love driving and roaming and exploring. Women we are.
Daughter. Sister. Wife. Granny. Grandma. Teacher. Friend. Mother.

Womens Day Special_reduced

One Smile = Many Smiles

One smile captured,
Became a part of the 101 Smiles,
Brought thousands of smiles.

There were a plethora of smiles,
Festive smile, Holi colored smile,
The devotee’s smile, the atheist’s smile,
The bride’s smile, the groom’s smile,
The innocent smile, the naughty smile,
The amazing smile, the surprise smile,
The shy smile, the resting smile.

Smile in mischief, Smile in dreams,
Smile in weird poses, Smile in eyes,
Innumerable, indescribable,
Smile with eye-capturing emotions.

Smiles were captured in the new attire, in the new school uniform,
Smiles were captured with the new shades the boy got,
Smiles were captured in the new pose she recently learned,
Smiles were captured in the new dance step he taught,
Smiles were captured in the bus, in the zoo,
Smiles were captured at the birthday party,
Smiles were captured at school, at college,
Smiles were captured in the fields, in the rains.
Smiles were captured at the arrival of monsoons,
Smiles were captured welcoming the winters,
Smiles were captured enjoying the corn in the fields,
Smiles were captured when anything good happened.

After all, “Every little thing in life has flavors, and their taste can make us more joyous” :)

There were smiles that said,
“Here I am!”
“I love you”
“Where am I? Find me Please ;)”
“I love my India”
“Click Me uncle”
“I want to learn this too”
“Mumma’s girl”
“Papa’s pariii”
“I am your sack, Will you buy me?”
“Father’s jewel”
“Yeah, they are mine :)” (Earnings after a tough day)
…and many more.

Smile was trapped when engrossed in music,
Smile was trapped while travelling around,
Smile was trapped after that little shopping,
Smile was trapped when he enjoyed splashing the mud-water,
Smile was trapped when the unknown helped,
Smile was trapped in love, in friendship.
Smiles were trapped after school, after college, and after office at 6.30.

The old smiled and the young smiled,
Babies smiled and new friends smiled,
There were smiles in the sunlight,
There were smiles in the dark,
There were smiles in front of the Photographer :)
All mesmerized by innocence, mischief and all spirit.

“We are all stories in the end” :)

There is no art behind a smile. Just because you are born happy, you can capture the world and shower the happiness, with the beautiful smile of yours.

By the way, I could capture the captured smiles, enjoying these 101 SMILES with the “Aww’s” and “Woah” and “Pretty” and “Beautiful” and “Just Awesome” and so many new descriptions!

Yeah these 101 SMILES had the power to bring back thousands of smiles.





Smile, Capture and Cherish forever.

A wonderful way of displaying smiles and spreading smiles by the TCS Maitree Photography Club.

I write.

I write.
I write because I feel too much.
I write because I feel joy.
I write because I enjoy.
I write because I feel content when I do.
I write because I feel more complete when I do.
I write because I feel that joy of the innocent child.
I write because I know the happiness of the naughty child.I write.
I write because I need an escape.
I write because I need peace.
I write because I need to share my thoughts.
I write because I need to let things out.
I write because I need to cope.
I write because I need people to read more.
I write because I need my silent voice heard.
I write because I cannot say them aloud.
I write because I cannot keep my feelings in.
I write because I hurt.
I write because I can.
I write because I want to spread that message.
I write because i want people to know.
I write because some things make sense only when written.
I write because it gives me happiness.
I write because I want to value the nature, the surroundings.
I write because I want to savor moments forever.
I write because that sets my mind free.
I write because I smile through my words.
I write because I can hear the rain against my window.
I write because I can hear that woman cry.
I write because I have forgotten how to love.
I write because I am trying to remember.
I write because I want my hope back.
I write because that gives me satisfaction.
I write because that is my only solace.
I write because I love the way a few words when entwining into beautiful sentences.
I write because it is hard to keep some things in the heart.
I write because then I can go to places where I can never otherwise.
I write because then I can imagine the unimaginable.
I write because it revives me.

I write because I do not know how not to.

If I were a BOY…

I did not want to marry,
I did not want to leave home,
I did not want to leave my parents,
I will miss my friends, here, always around me,
I have spent the splendid days of my life here,
From day 1 on this earth, till now…
I am under the blessed shield of my parents,
How can I leave them?
Who will take care when their skin will wrinkle?
They held my finger and taught me to walk, to win every battle in life,
Who will hold the stick for them when they’ll need one day?

But still…They want me to marry…go away to another home.

I did not want to disobey them,
I did everything they asked me to,
I went to meet the guy,
I wanted to run away,
I did not want to leave my home.


I had to know him…talk to him,
I listened to all that he said, shared.
He then wanted me to say something,
My aspirations, my ambitions, my expectations,
I got all dumb.
After, don’t know how long, I could just say one line – incomplete –


And his reply kept me stunned, an eye-opener for me!
He said, “I understand. But, you need not be present physically always. Your emotional attachment is what is needed.
He said, “You are the bridge connecting two unknown families.
And this struck the bell in my head…
“Yes Girl! Go, this is the guy! Your Mr. Right!”

And he continued,
“You are the star of their eyes. They are happy to see you on your feet -independent – at this height with achievements and excellence. They will be more proud seeing you manage two homes, equally, as one….” And on and on he went…but I was lost in my world, thinking,

Yes, I will marry now.
I will leave the home physically one day,
My love and care for my parents and family will still be the same,
and I will love the new family as my own too.
His parents will be my parents too.
I will take care of them same as I would for my parents, IF I WERE A BOY…
I will make the environment joyous and splendid, there too.
I will bring joy and happiness at both homes.
I will make the families proud of me,
I will make new friends,
I will connect more people together,
I will be in this lovely bond forever!

So…IF I WERE A BOY….mmm…naah :)

I will marry, leave my home, spread love and happiness at both places :)

Life is a beautiful ride

Seeing this..the thoughts could not stop me from capturing the moment…

“The bicycle is a simple solution to some of the world’s most complicated problems. And it takes us to places we would never see any other way. “

…A journey not to end.

*Back to memories..

*Back to memories!

Ohh..Its Monday Again

We have no Sunday, no holiday. But still, when Monday comes to my ears, all the strength in me dies. Mondays are for extra work to be done everywhere, because they have had their Sunday parties; “weekend fun-dinner-dance-much more”. The cleaning gets on nerves. Before coming to official work, I have so many other tasks, like preparing tiffin for my girl, and getting her ready to school. Then I leave home with many pending tasks, with the hope that wish one family is suddenly out of town and I can return early. I drop my girl to the school and head to work. I reached the first place and the mess swirled my head. I have been asking them for to increase 100Rs. in my salary since so long but they are not doing that. I wondered they could party but 100Rs. a month is not something that is easy for them; I say WHY? I still finish my work here, and go to the next. It was a festival day for them, again work load :(

I have more to rant. Festivals come and go; and so my work. They can party here and there, give birthday treats and feast every alternate day. I cook for them which goes many a times waste, because it is a sudden plan and they cannot dine at home. Still the 100Rs. more a month is not for them.

I do not say they are bad. They do give away their old clothes and vessels to me for me or my daughter or home. But when I need money, these goodies don’t work. I cannot buy milk with these. I need money. I need to pay for electricity. It is summers!

Today is the 30th. I ask the girls for my payment. I know they will not increment but at least the regular salary I expect. I asked. She easily denied, says, ‘ATM nahi gayi mein aunty, kal dete hain…pakka’ (Could not go to an ATM, will give you tomorrow, for sure). I had to come back. Again a day postponed. Payments postpone. Monthly ration has finished, I need to control even today. This season I couldn’t buy mangoes for my girl. She waits for summers, for mangoes every time but I couldn’t buy her enough to quench her mango taste buds. Season is about to end. I feel bad for her.

Next day…

She hands me the payment. I ask her again with zero hope, for increment. She says to count by myself. I do. I ask her if she has by mistake given me the extra note and she says a no with a wonderful smile. I am surprised, shocked, all glad to see Rs. 1000, yeah “thousand rupees” more. Tears of joy have already rolled down my cheeks. Now I’ll buy the enough mangoes for my daughter and him :)
I’ll be able to pay for goods and ration and save a bit too. I realized, it was worth waiting this long.

“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet” – Aristotle.

Not so funny

We frequently come across jokes, posts, articles, incidents (at meetups, parties, etc.) on women. I read quite a few posts, where people have actually written with concern. Have just clubbed them, added my views and here it follows.

We often hear jokes about women, girlfriends and wives (more often the last two) shared in the workplace. The punch line is usually something to the effect of “Women shop, men pay” or “Women have fun, men work” or “Girlfriends = Time x Money” and so on. It’s usually dismissed as a joke and a woman who objects of finds it offensive and is considered to not have a sense of humor or of being too serious a person because after all, it’s “just a joke”.

I’ve also noticed so many jokes being passed around via SMS, Whatsapp etc. targeting women and funnily most woman except it. They feel that if they voice out their dissent, it would seem like they don’t have a sense of humor. So the message that gets passed around is that females are “weak, dumb, and frivolous” and I’m not surprised with what is happening around us in society today.

Consider this however. Would we share a joke demeaning a person of a certain ethnicity (in front of them)? We have learnt, thankfully, that it’s not right to make fun of people just because of their genetic makeup or place of origin. Yet when a sexist joke is made, most people seem to think it’s the women who need to be less offended! Some of which I’ve heard over the last few weeks (paraphrased).

  • Men die earlier than women because men pay the shopping bills
  • Marriage is like a hurricane – both natural disasters waiting to happen
  • Marriage is a workshop because men work and women shop.

Yeah, I have also observed that women jokes are universal – even in cartoons. Many women laugh along when such jokes are cracked (not sure why).

As a female, I find these jokes offensive. I work as hard as my male colleagues to earn. Homemakers give up their own careers to take care of their families and make their husband and kids to focus on their own lives. Marriage is meant to be an equal partnership not a punishment for men. I have a unique and quirky sense of humor myself (euphemistic terms for geeky/ cheesy) and I’m as interested as the next person in a good joke. But sexist jokes in a professional setting unsettle me for many reasons:

  • They demean half the human population in one go (men or women)
  • They promote insensitivity towards women (why are you offended? it’s just a joke!)
  • Often passive aggressiveness is masked as a joke (Someone once said to me, “Oh, we all know women only work so that they can go shopping. That’s their real job. Lol”)
  • They provoke retaliatory comments which leads to more ugliness

In my opinion, sexist jokes are like the proverbial broken windows. They’re easy to stop and correct and they set the tone for a culture.

My post is about jokes on women here because I feel they’re more common. Obviously I might be wrong. And yes, I do agree this many a times happens with men also. Men might laugh at it but they would be living in embarrassment inside. Well, it’s when one’s wife cracks jokes about the in-laws. There are occasions when, wives have an indulgence in such jokes making fun of their in-laws’ families, sisters do that to the brothers-in-law, and so on. Most of the time, the jokes are hilarious to listen and an embarrassment to admit!

It will be great if men can come forward and acknowledge that their wives-sisters-mothers are equally supporting to run the family and that they are independent. That kind of honesty will go a long way to bring about a change in mindset. People who compose such jokes on women must realize that their mother-sisters-wives are women too!